学院 | 专业 | 授课语言 | 专业介绍 |
信息科学与工程学院 | 计算机科学与技术 | 英语 | 本专业培养适应社会主义经济建设和社会发展需要、德智体美劳全面发展的应用型计算机工程技术专门人才。毕业生具有良好人文素养、职业道德和社会责任感;系统掌握计算机科学技术的基础理论和基本技能,养成良好的计算思维能力;具备分析解决计算机技术复杂工程问题的能力和较强的工程实践能力、项目管理能力和团队合作能力;具有一定国际化视野和较强的终身学习能力;能够从事计算机应用系统设计开发与运行维护、计算机相关技术研究与工程应用等工作。 |
材料科学与工程学院 | 材料科学与工程 | 英语 | 本专业2018年顺利通过工程教育专业认证。本专业培养材料知识宽厚、工程实践能力强,专业技术和研究能力突出,能够在超硬材料与磨料磨具及相关材料领域从事技术研发、工艺设计、生产与经营管理等方面工作,具有社会责任感、科学素养和国际视野的德智体美劳全面发展的高素质人才和行业精英。 |
电气工程学院 | 控制科学与工程 | 英语 | 本专业立足学校特色与学科优势,以服务粮食行业控制领域的需求为特色,紧密围绕运动控制、过程控制、智能制造、工业物联网、智能传感器与仪器仪表、机器人等领域开展应用基础研究和工程技术开发。 |
环境工程学院 | 环境科学与工程 | 中/英 | 本专业是河南省环境科学与工程一级重点学科。2013年,学院成为河南省“环境污染治理与生态修复”协同创新中心的核心成员单位,建有河南省“环境污染修复与粮食质量安全国际联合实验室”。2019年本专业在河南省率先通过中国工程教育专业认证,进入全球工程教育“第一方阵”,2020年环境工程专业获批河南省一流专业建设点和国家级一流专业建设点。 |
资源与环境(专硕) | 中/英 | 本专业是为环保行业及相关研究部门培养基础扎实、素质全面、工程实践能力强并具有一定创新能力的应用型、复合型高层次工程技术和工程管理人才。毕业生可以掌握环境工程领域坚实的基础知识和系统的专业知识,掌握解决环境工程问题的先进技术方法和现代技术手段,具有创新意识和独立担负工程技术或工程管理工作的能力。 | |
机电工程学院 | 机械工程 | 英语 | 本专业是河南省省级重点学科,按照一级学科招生。拥有机电技术、机器人技术、焊接技术和精密制造技术等研究机构,在河南高校中第一个自行设计制造了两台加工中心。在先进制造技术领域,学院先后承担了国家863课题、省杰出人才基金项目、省高校杰出科研人才基金项目、省自然科学基金项目、省科技攻关项目等一大批纵向科研课题和企业横向委托项目。 |
土木工程学院 | 建筑学 | 汉语 | 本专业培养具有扎实的建筑学专业知识和建筑师职业技能,具有创新意识和创业精神,主要在建筑设计单位、教育和科研机构、管理部门等,从事建筑设计、教学与研究、开发与管理等工作的应用型建筑学专业人才。 |
土木工程 | 英语 | 土木工程专业以道路、桥梁、地下工程(隧道、地铁、地下厂房等地下建筑物)和工程安全为专业知识背景,结合计算机和实践教学等基本技能训练,主要培养区域、“一带一路”国家基础设施建设需要的,能够从事公路、城市道路、机场工程、桥梁、岩土工程及隧道工程等方向的设计、施工、养护、管理等方面的工程建设、管理及科研研究的具有国际化视野的高级复合型人才。毕业生能从事道路与桥梁工程的设计、施工和管理工作,具有初步的项目规划、管理和研究、开发能力。 | |
生物工程学院 | 生物学 | 汉语 | 本专业培养学生系统掌握生物学科基础理论、实验技术和研究方法;能熟练应用现代科技手段进行科学研究,具有较强的分析和解决问题的能力;熟悉所从事生物学研究领域的国内外研究现状和发展趋势,具有独立从事生物学相关的科学研究﹑教育教学、技术研发、生产管理等方面工作的能力。 |
动物营养与饲料科学 | 汉语 | 本专业培养具备良好道德修养、人文底蕴和社会责任感,具备融合工程、科学和管理知识解决动物科学领域复杂问题能力的复合型高素质人才。 学生能够运用数学、自然科学、生物学、动物生理学等方面的知识从事动物科学与技术相关工作,在畜牧行业及相关领域开展技术与研发、设计与管理、教学与科研、推广与服务,发现和分析畜牧生产实践中的复杂技术问题,提出改进意见或合理的解决方案,完成动物生产项目的设计、评估与技术服务等工作,并实现个人可持续发展。 | |
管理学院 | 工商管理 | 汉语 | 本专业培养具有战略思维、创新能力、团队精神和沟通技能,能够运用现代经济管理理论、管理方法及管理技能,解决专业领域中管理实践问题的复合型人才。毕业后能够在行政企事业单位从事综合管理、人力资源管理、行政管理、运营管理等工作。 |
工程管理(专硕) | 汉语 | 本专业毕业生掌握系统的现代工程管理理论与方法,以及物流与供应链工程领域专业技术和知识,能担负物流系统规划与设计,供应链优化与管理,粮食物流工程等领域工作的复合型高层次工程管理人才。 | |
理学院 | 物理学 | 英语 | 本专业于2018年获批河南省第九批省一级重点学科。物理学科为BESIII北京谱仪合作组成员,经过长期建设和不断积淀,物理学科形成了本硕一体化的人才培养体系。本校有物理学一级硕士学位点,涵盖理论物理、原子与分子物理、凝聚态物理等方向,研究覆盖重味物理与CP破缺、粒子物理实验数据分析、新物理唯象研究、光与原子分子相互作用、极端条件下的物质结构、高通量计算设计与模拟、功能材料、低维纳米材料与器件等相关领域。 |
数学 | 英语 | 本专业培养掌握数学基本理论、基本方法,受到数学模型、计算机编程和数学软件方面的基本训练,掌握经济数据处理基本知识,具备初步科学研究、教学、解决一般经济数学问题、开发数据处理软件等方面的基本能力,具有一定的建立数学模型和应用计算机解决实际问题的能力的专门人才。同时,经过科学研究的初步训练,能在科技、教育、计算机、经济、金融等部门从事科学研究、教学、计算机编程、经济金融数据分析与处理方面的工作。并可以继续攻读数学各专业、计算机及应用软件、经济、金融等专业和研究方向的硕士学位。 | |
化学化工学院 | 化学工程与技术 | 汉语 | 本专业通过国家工程教育专业认证,拥有化学工程与技术一级硕士学位授权点、拥有材料和化工专业硕士学位授权类别。河南省一级重点学科、河南省优势特色学科。培养在化学工程与技术学科上掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识;具有从事科学研究工作或独立负担专门技术工作的能力。 |
材料与化工 | 汉语 | 本专业是国家一流本科专业建设点、河南省品牌特色专业、河南省专业综合改革试点专业、河南省一级学科重点学科、ESI全球排名前1%学科。培养学生掌握和了解本领域的技术现状和发展趋势;具有解决本领域工程问题或从事新材料、新工艺、新技术、新产品、新设备的开发能力;掌握解决本领域工程问题必要的实验、分析、检测或计算的方法和技术;具有创新意识和独立担负工程技术或工程管理工作的能力。 | |
化学 | 汉语 | 本专业是河南省一级重点学科、ESI全球排名前1%学科、河南省化学一级硕士学位授权点,拥有河南省高校化学实验教学示范中心。培养学生在化学学科上掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识;具有从事科学研究工作或独立负担专门技术工作的能力,有较强的创新意识,并在所从事的研究领域内取得一定的科研成果,具备探索和解决经济社会发展问题的基本能力。 | |
设计艺术学院 | 工业设计工程(专硕) | 汉语 | 本专业拥有艺术硕士工业设计方向、工业设计工程两个专业硕士学位点。培养具有良好人文素质、艺术修养和审美能力,专业知识以及相关的自然科学和人文科学知识;能够通过自主学习发现问题,并综合运用专业理论和技术手段分析、解决产品设计领域的创意设计问题;具备较好的创新实践和表达、交流能力;具备较强的终身学习能力,兼具中国文化底蕴与国际视野,能从事交通工具、文化创意、智能产品开发与设计及相关领域的研究、管理等工作的创新型设计人才。 |
设计学(学硕) | 汉语 | 设计学是科学与艺术相结合,从事设计艺术创作与科学研究的一门新兴学科。设计学主要是研究设计发生及发展的规律,应用行为与文化价值的综合性应用学科。培养从事艺术设计实践与理论研究、教学工作的高级专门人才。研究方向:工业设计理论与方法研究;地域文化再生系统设计理论与方法研究;信息和视觉设计理论与方法研究。 | |
设计(专硕) | 汉语 | ||
经济贸易学院 | 理论经济学 | 汉语 | 本专业起源于1959年北京粮食专科学校设立的粮食经济专业,2003年开始经济学本科招生。2004年开始招收培养硕士研究生。2013年获省特色专业,并进入一本招生。2015年开始招收培养特需项目博士研究生。2017年在全省专业评估中名列第一。2019年获批河南省一流本科专业建设点、河南省高等学校优秀基层教学组织。2020年与MSU联合培养博士研究生。2021年获批河南省黄大年式教学团队、河南省虚拟教研室建设点。 |
外语学院 | 英语语言文学(学硕) | 英语 | 本专业旨在培养掌握系统的外国语言文学学科基础理论和知识,了解外国语言文学学科发展的前沿和动向,具有良好的科学素养和人文素养,具备较强的学术研究能力、实践能力、跨文化沟通能力和创新精神,具备家国情怀、国际视野和跨学科视野的高素质外语人才。 |
翻译硕士(专硕) | 英汉双语 | 本专业旨在培养掌握翻译职业领域坚实的基础理论和宽广的专业知识,具有较强的翻译实践能力、翻译项目管理能力,能够从事翻译及项目管理工作的高素质应用型翻译人才。 |
School | Major | Teaching Language | Major Introduction |
School of Information Science and Engineering | Computer Science and Technology | English | This major cultivates application-oriented computer engineering technical professionals who meet the needs of socialist economic construction and social development, and who are fully developed in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, and labor. The graduates have good humanistic quality, professional ethics and social responsibility. Systematically master the basic theory and basic skills of computer science and technology, and develop good computational thinking ability. Have the ability to analyze and solve complex engineering problems with computer technology and strong engineering practice ability, project management ability and team cooperation ability. Have a certain international vision and strong lifelong learning ability. Able to engage in computer application system design and development, operation and maintenance, computer related technology research and engineering applications. |
School of Materials Science and Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering | English | This major successfully passed the Engineering education professional certification in 2018. This major cultivates high-quality talents and industry elites with broad material knowledge, strong engineering practice ability, outstanding professional technology and research ability, who can engage in technology research and development, process design, production and operation management in the field of superhard materials, abrasives and related materials, and have a sense of social responsibility, scientific literacy and international vision. |
School of Electrical Engineering | Control Science and Engineering | English | This major is based on the characteristics and advantages of the school, with a focus on serving the needs of the control field in the grain industry. It closely focuses on applied basic research and engineering technology development in areas such as motion control, process control, intelligent manufacturing, industrial Internet of Things, intelligent sensors and instruments, robots, etc. |
School of Environmental Engineering | Environmental Science and Engineering | English & Chinese | This major is a first-class key discipline of Environmental Science and Engineering in Henan Province. In 2013, the college became a core member unit of the Henan Province Collaborative Innovation Center for Environmental Pollution Control and Ecological Restoration, and established the Henan Province International Joint Laboratory for Environmental Pollution Restoration and Food Quality and Safety. In 2019, this major was the first to pass the China Engineering Education Professional Certification in Henan Province, and entered the "first field" of global engineering education. In 2020, the Environmental Engineering major was approved as a first-class professional construction site in Henan Province and a national first-class professional construction site. |
Resources and Environment (professional degree) | English & Chinese | This major aims to cultivate applied and composite high-level engineering technology and engineering management talents with solid foundations, comprehensive qualities, strong engineering practice abilities, and certain innovative abilities for the environmental protection industry and related research departments. Graduates can acquire solid foundational knowledge and systematic professional knowledge in the field of environmental engineering, master advanced technical methods and modern technological means to solve environmental engineering problems, possess innovative consciousness and the ability to independently undertake engineering technology or management work. | |
School of Electromechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | English | This major is a provincial-level key discipline in Henan Province, and enrollment is based on first level disciplines. Having research institutions in electromechanical technology, robotics technology, welding technology, and precision manufacturing technology, I was the first university in Henan to independently design and manufacture two machining centers. In the field of advanced manufacturing technology, the college has undertaken a large number of vertical scientific research projects and enterprise horizontal commissioned projects, including the National 863 Project, Provincial Outstanding Talent Fund Project, Provincial Outstanding Scientific Research Talent Fund Project, Provincial Natural Science Fund Project, and Provincial Science and Technology Research Project. |
School of Civil Engineering | Architecture | Chinese | This major cultivates applied architecture professionals with solid knowledge and professional skills in architecture, as well as innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. They mainly work in architectural design units, education and research institutions, management departments, etc., engaged in architectural design, teaching and research, development and management, etc. |
Civil Engineering | English | The major takes roads, bridges, underground engineering (tunnels, subways, underground plants and other underground buildings) and engineering safety as the background of professional knowledge, combined with computer and practical teaching and other basic skills training, and mainly cultivates senior inter-disciplinary talents with international perspective required by regional and "the Belt and Road" national infrastructure construction to be able to engage in engineering construction, management and scientific research in design, construction, maintenance and management of highways, urban roads, airports, bridges, geotechnical engineering and tunnels, etc. The graduates are able to engage in the design, construction and management of road and bridge engineering, with preliminary project planning, management and research and development capabilities. | |
School of Biological Engineering | Biology | Chinese | This major aims to train students to systematically master the basic theories, experimental techniques and research methods of biology. Proficient in using modern scientific and technological means to conduct scientific research, with strong ability to analyze and solve problems. Familiar with the research status and development trend at home and abroad in the field of biological research, with the ability to independently engage in biology-related scientific research, education and teaching, technology research and development, production management and other aspects of work. |
Animal Nutrition and Feed Science | Chinese | This major aims to cultivate interdisciplinary and high-quality talents with good moral cultivation, cultural heritage and social responsibility, and the ability to integrate engineering, science and management knowledge to solve complex problems in the field of animal science. Students can apply the knowledge of mathematics, natural science, biology, animal physiology and other aspects to engage in animal science and technology-related work, carry out technology and research and development, design and management, teaching and research, extension and service in the animal husbandry industry and related fields, discover and analyze complex technical problems in animal husbandry production practice, and propose improvement suggestions or reasonable solutions. Complete animal production project design, evaluation and technical services, and achieve personal sustainable development. | |
School of Management | Business Administration | Chinese | This major cultivates versatile talents with strategic thinking, innovative ability, teamwork spirit, and communication skills, who can apply modern economic management theory, management methods, and management skills to solve management practical problems in the professional field. After graduation, one can engage in comprehensive management, human resource management, administrative management, and operational management in administrative enterprises and institutions. |
Engineering Administration (professional degree) | Chinese | Graduates of this major possess a comprehensive understanding of modern engineering management theories and methods, as well as professional skills and knowledge in the fields of logistics and supply chain engineering. They are versatile high-level engineering management professionals capable of undertaking tasks in logistics system planning and design, supply chain optimization and management, and grain logistics engineering. | |
School of Sciences | Physics | English | This major was approved as the ninth batch of provincial-level key disciplines in Henan Province in 2018. The physics discipline is a member of the BESIII Beijing Spectrometer Cooperation Group. After long-term construction and continuous accumulation, the physics discipline has formed a talent training system that integrates undergraduate and graduate studies. Our school has a first-class master's degree program in physics, covering theoretical physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, and other fields. Our research covers heavy flavor physics and CP breaking, particle physics experimental data analysis, new physics phenomenological research, light atom molecule interaction, material structure under extreme conditions, high-throughput computational design and simulation, functional materials, low dimensional nanomaterials and devices, and related fields. |
Mathematics | English | This major cultivates specialized talents who master the basic theories and methods of mathematics, receive basic training in mathematical models, computer programming, and mathematical software, master basic knowledge of economic data processing, have basic abilities in preliminary scientific research, teaching, solving general economic mathematical problems, developing data processing software, and have certain abilities in establishing mathematical models and applying computers to solve practical problems. At the same time, after preliminary training in scientific research, one can engage in scientific research, teaching, computer programming, economic and financial data analysis and processing in departments such as technology, education, computer science, economics, and finance. And can continue to pursue master's degrees in various majors such as mathematics, computer and applied software, economics, finance, and research directions. | |
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | Chemical Engineering and Technology | Chinese | This major has passed the national Engineering education professional certification, has a first-level master's degree in chemical engineering and technology, and has a master's degree authorization category in materials and chemical engineering. It is a key discipline on Henan Province, and Henan Province advantage characteristic discipline. This major aims to develop student solid basic theoretical and systematic expertise in chemical engineering and technology disciplines, and have the ability to engage in scientific research work or independently undertake specialized technical work. |
Materials and Chemical Industry | Chinese | This major is the national first-class undergraduate major construction point, Henan Province brand characteristic specialty, Henan Province comprehensive reform pilot specialty, key discipline of Henan Province, ESI top 1% discipline in the world. This major aims to train students to master and understand the technical status and development trend of the field, have the ability to solve engineering problems in the field or engage in the development of new materials, new processes, new technologies, new products and new equipment. Students can master the methods and techniques of experiment, analysis, inspection or calculation necessary to solve engineering problems in the field and have a sense of innovation and the ability to independently undertake engineering technology or engineering management work. | |
Chemistry | Chinese | This major is a first-level key discipline in Henan Province, ESI top 1% discipline in the world, a first-level master's degree authorization point in Chemistry in Henan Province, and a demonstration center of Chemistry Experiment teaching in colleges and universities in Henan Province. This major aims to train students to acquire solid basic theoretical and systematic expertise in chemistry, to train students have the ability to engage in scientific research or independently undertake specialized technical work, have a strong sense of innovation, and have achieved certain scientific research results in the field of research, and have the basic ability to explore and solve economic and social development problems. | |
School of Design and Art | Industrial Design Engineering (professional degree) | Chinese | This major has the qualification to recommend master's students. This major has two master's degree programs: Master of Arts in Industrial Design and Industrial Design Engineering, as well as the only doctoral research direction in industrial design in the province. The school has two research institutions and professional collaborative development, Henan Industrial Design and Research Institute and Henan Industrial Design Center. |
Design Science | Chinese | This major is an emerging discipline that combines science and art, engaged in the creation and scientific research of design art. Design is a comprehensive applied discipline that studies the laws of design occurrence and development, applied behavior, and cultural values. To cultivate senior specialized talents engaged in art and design practice, theoretical research, and teaching work. Research directions: 1. Research on industrial design theory and methods, 2. Research on regional cultural regeneration system design theory and methods, 3. Research on information and visual design theory and methods. | |
Design (professional degree) | Chinese | ||
School of Economics and Trade | Theoretical Economics | Chinese | This major originated from the Grain Economics major established by Beijing Grain Vocational College in 1959, and undergraduate enrollment in Economics began in 2003. Starting in 2004, we began recruiting and training master's students. In 2013, I was awarded the provincial characteristic major and enrolled in a first tier university. Starting in 2015, we began to recruit doctoral students for special needs programs. Ranked first in the professional evaluation of the province in 2017. In 2019, it was approved as a first-class undergraduate major construction site in Henan Province and an excellent grassroots teaching organization in higher education institutions in Henan Province. In 2020, we jointly trained doctoral students with MSU. In 2021, it was approved to establish a Huang Danian style teaching team and a virtual teaching and research laboratory in Henan Province. |
School of Foreign Languages | English Language and Literature | English | The Master of Art program aims to cultivate high-quality foreign language talents who master the basic theories and knowledge of foreign languages and literatures, know the development of foreign languages and literatures and hot topics in related researches. Graduates are expected to be innovative, internationally minded, think critically and have good scientific and humanistic literacy, strong ability in doing interdisciplinary academic research, strong ability to do practical jobs, strong ability to do cross-cultural communication. |
Master of Translation and Interpreting(Translation) | English & Chinese | The MTI program will prepare students for a professional path in the translation industry, which is growing faster than many other fields. The program provides students with the professional growth and cutting-edge translation and interpreting skills to work in the world. This program is for applicants with high levels of competence in Chinese and Englis. The graduates will build a foundation for a career in translation or related fields, and develop advanced linguistic competence in related language pairs. The skills are honed through interlinked theoretical and practical training that covers interpreting and translating techniques, skills such as public speaking and translation projects management. Students will study translation, consecutive interpreting and enjoy access to lectures, seminars and workshops on a variety of topics. | |